Friday, April 11, 2014

Coursera - CalArts - Required Assignment 3

In this assignment we had to take inspiration from Velazquez's work Las Meninas and create our own work presenting the themes of Las Meninas. Apparently, this picture by Velazquez shows a very complicated interplay of gazes and mirror reflections. For my picture I've chosen two themes, 'looking and being seen' and 'reality and reflection'. Read the texts in my submission for details. :-)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Coursera - CalArts - Required Assignment2

The task was to turn an image or an object into something else. I turned my notebook into a head of a reptile by adding eyes that were made from big bottle lids, and a tongue made from a piece of red paper.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Coursera - CalArts - Required Assignment 1

In this task we had to take a photo of several objects and assign a meaning to the composition.

Title: The Four Temperaments: Phlegmatic, Melancholic, Sanguine, Choleric
Even though the temperaments are described and studied, each person is still a mystery - we can try to look into the hole in people's metaphorical shell that protect their personality, but we cannot enter their personal world to explore the smallest coils of the helix. :-)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Assignment 3 - Coursera - CalArts

The task was to create a portrait based on a text in death or marriage notices. (I missed the part about where the text should have been taken from, but I hope it doesn't matter, as this is an optional task anyway.) The first idea I had was to draw Sei Shonagon, a Japanese writer of Heian period, based on how I pictured her after reading The Pillow Book. Actually there's no description of her appearance (apart from her mentioning she wasn't beautiful).

Monday, March 10, 2014

From My Sketchbook

These drawings aren't based on any real person or work of art.
Only the quotation in the second picture is not mine - a student from the Coursera on-line course suggested it for discussion.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Coursera-CalArts-Assignment 1

First assignment for my CalArts course in Coursera.

Topic: 'My ideal understanding of art and what others think of art' (Or something like this ;) )

This is the first thing that came to my mind when I thought about this topic and I just sketched it out and just put all the thoughts and key-words that I could think of. The second drawing is based on conversations I actually had with some artists. However, I think it's great that there are many kinds of art, so that everyone could find their own way of self-expressing. :) Like our CalArts course instructor says, it's important to find people who think like you in terms of understanding of art, to find your own audience. :) But discussing other art forms is interesting too!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Kaheksas joonistus

Pilt tehtud 06.10.2012
Kell 12:25

Täna on mul hea päev. Juba varahommikul oli hea ilm ja puuotsad olid eredate kollaste päikesekiirtega kaunistatud. Heameelega läksin parki joonistama. Valisin sedasama rakurssi, kui viienda joonistuse puhul (seda, mida tegin, kui sadas vihma.) Mul oli väga hea meel, et täna lähenes minule noor perekond väikeste lastega ning ütles mulle paar soojat sõnu. Kuid pärast seda ootas mind tõeline üllatus. Minu juurde astus soome kunstnik, kelle nimi on Harri Tanskanen. Oli väga meeldiv temaga rääkida. Ta kiitis minu tööd, kinkis postkaardi oma maaliga ja me vahetasime omavahel e-mail aadresse. Kindlasti kirjutan temale! Kogu tee tagasi koju oli mul suur naeratus näol... :)

Peaagu unustasin puust ja joonistusest kirjutada. Võtsin täna pliiatsi nagu planeerisingi ja tegin visnadi. Oli kergemini proportsioone jälgida, kuid joonistusega ei ole ma päris rahul. Üritan järgmine kord rohkem spontaansust lisada.